Mathematical Analysis of a Generalized Chiral Quark Soliton Model
Mathematical analysis of fully coupled approach to creep damage
Mathematical analysis of the photoelectric effect
Mathematical analysis of the two dimensional active exterior cloaking in the quasistatic regime
Mathematical aspects of intertwining operators: the role of Riesz bases
Mathematical aspects of the cold plasma model
Mathematical Aspects of Vacuum Energy on Quantum Graphs
Mathematical Basis for Physical Inference
Mathematical definition of quantum field theory on a manifold
Mathematical Formalism for Isothermal Linear Irreversibility
Mathematical Foundations of Geometric Quantization
Mathematical justification of the Aharonov-Bohm hamiltonian
Mathematical model of the Lame' Problem for Simplified Elastic Theory applied to Controlled-Clearance Pressure Balances
Mathematical Modeling of Control Dynamical Systems
Mathematical models for passive imaging I: general background
Mathematical models for passive imaging II: Effective Hamiltonians associated to surface waves
Mathematical models of spontaneous symmetry breaking
Mathematical Physics : Problems and Solutions of The Students Training Contest Olympiad in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (May 21st - 24th, 2010)
Mathematical problems on generalized functions and the canonical Hamiltonian formalism
Mathematical Properties of a New Levin-Type Sequence Transformation Introduced by Čížek, Zamastil, and Skála. I. Algebraic Theory