Minimal Operation Time of Energy Devices
Minimal representations and reductive dual pairs in conformal field theory
Minimal Riesz energy on the sphere for axis-supported external fields
Minimal Riesz Energy Point Configurations for Rectifiable d-Dimensional Manifolds
Minimization variational principles for acoustics, elastodynamics, and electromagnetism in lossy inhomogeneous bodies at fixed frequency
Minimizers with discontinuous velocities for the electromagnetic variational method
Minimizing the ground state energy of an electron in a randomly deformed lattice
Minimum entropy production principle from a dynamical fluctuation law
Minimum search space and efficient methods for structural cluster optimization
Minimum variational principles for time-harmonic waves in a dissipative medium and associated variational principles of Hashin--Shtrikman type
Minkowski curvelets and wave equations
Minkowskian Yang-Mills vacuum
Miron's Generalizations of Lagrange and Finsler Geometries: a Self-Consistent Approach to Locally Anisotropic Gravity
Mirror symmetry on K3 surfaces as a hyperkaehler rotation
Mixed boundary value problems for the Navier-Stokes system in polyhedral domains
Mixed correlation function and spectral curve for the 2-matrix model
Mixed Paraparticles, Colors, Braidings and a new class of Realizations for Lie superalgebras
Mixed State Holonomies
Mixing angle and Glashow's Algebra
Mixing of orthogonal and skew-orthogonal polynomials and its relation to Wilson RMT