Measures on two-component configuration spaces
Mechanics of complex bodies: commentary on the unified modelling of material substructures
Mechanics of Systems of Affine Bodies. Geometric Foundations and Applications in Dynamics of Structured Media
Mechanics Systems on Para-Kaehlerian Manifolds of Constant J-Sectional Curvature
Meeting Descartes and Klein Somewhere in a Noncommutative Space
Meixner Oscillators
Membrane geometry with auxiliary variables and quadratic constraints
Memory Effects in Long-Time Lindblad Motion
Memory-induced anomalous dynamics: emergence of diffusion, subdiffusion, and superdiffusion from a single random walk model
Mendes France and thermodynamical spectra: a comparative study of contractive and expansive fractal processes
Menelaus relation and Fay's trisecant formula are associativity equations
Meromorphic Solutions to a Differential--Difference Equation Describing Certain Self-Similar Potentials
Meson mass spectrum using the Cayley-Dickson algebra
Mesoscale asymptotic approximations to solutions of mixed boundary value problems in perforated domains
Mesoscopic colonization of a spectral band
Metastability in the BCS model
Metastability threshold for anisotropic bootstrap percolation in three dimensions
Metastates in finite-type mean-field models: visibility, invisibility, and random restoration of symmetry
Metastates in mean-field models with random external fields generated by Markov chains
Method for removing interference in chaotic signals based on the Lyapunov exponent