Mean field limit for bosons and infinite dimensional phase-space analysis
Mean field limit for bosons and propagation of Wigner measures
Mean field mutation dynamics and the continuous Luria-Delbrück distribution
Mean field propagation of Wigner measures and BBGKY hierarchies for general bosonic states
Mean field theory and coherent structures for vortex dynamics on the plane
Mean First Passage Time in Periodic Attractors
Mean-Field Approximation of Quantum Systems and Classical Limit
Mean-field driven first-order phase transitions in systems with long-range interactions
Mean-Field Dynamics: Singular Potentials and Rate of Convergence
Mean-Field Interacting Boson Random Point Fields in Weak Harmonic Traps
Mean-field limit and Semiclassical Expansion of a Quantum Particle System
Mean-Field Limit of Quantum Bose Gases and Nonlinear Hartree Equation
Mean-field models for disordered crystals
Mean-field quantum dynamics with magnetic fields
Mean-Field Spin Glass models from the Cavity--ROSt Perspective
Mean-Field- and Classical Limit of Many-Body Schrödinger Dynamics for Bosons
Measurability of observables in the noncommutative special relativity
Measurements design and phenomena discrimination
Measures of Fermi surfaces and absence of singular continuous spectrum for magnetic Schroedinger operators
Measures on Banach Manifolds, Random Surfaces, and Nonperturbative String Field Theory with Cut-offs