Hamilton relativity group for noninertial states in quantum mechanics
Hamilton Variational Principle for Statistical Ensemble of Deterministic Systems and its Application for Ensemble of Stochastic Systems
Hamilton-Jacobi approach to Berezinian singular systems
Hamilton-Jacobi equations with jumps: asymptotic stability
Hamilton-Jacobi Fractional Sequential Mechanics
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Moving Frames
Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the evolution operator
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory for Degenerate Lagrangian Systems with Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints
Hamilton-Jacobi theory for one dimensional autonomous systems using parametric transformations
Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in k-Symplectic Field Theories
Hamilton-Jakobi method for classical mechanics in Grassmann algebra
Hamiltonian analysis for topological and Yang-Mills theories expressed as a constrained BF-like theory
Hamiltonian and Linear-Space Structure for Damped Oscillators: I. General Theory
Hamiltonian and Linear-Space Structure for Damped Oscillators: II. Critical Points
Hamiltonian dynamics and constrained variational calculus: continuous and discrete settings
Hamiltonian dynamics for Einstein's action in G$\rightarrow$0 limit
Hamiltonian extension and eigenfunctions for a time dispersive dissipative string
Hamiltonian formalism with several variables and quantum field theory, PartI
Hamiltonian formalisms for multidimensional calculus of variations and perturbation theory
Hamiltonian formulation for the classical EM radiation-reaction problem: application to the kinetic theory for relativistic collisionless plasmas