Dense packing on uniform lattices
Dense Packings of Polyhedra: Platonic and Archimedean Solids
Densest columnar structures of hard spheres from sequential deposition
Densite d'etat surfacique pour une classe d'operateurs de Schrodinger du type a N-corps
Density conditions for quantum propositions
Density function associated with nonlinear bifurcating map
Density of Complex Critical Points of a Real Random SO(m+1) Polynomials
Density of Complex Zeros of a System of Real Random Polynomials
Density of eigenvalues and its perturbation invariance in unitary ensembles of random matrices
Density of States and Thouless Formula for Random Unitary Band Matrices
Density of states for Random Band Matrix
Density operators and selective measurements
Dependence of Repeated Interaction Asymptotic States on Environment
Dependence of the spectrum of a quantum graph on vertex conditions and edge lengths
Dependent coordinates in path integral measure factorization
Dequantization of Noncommutative Spaces and Dynamical Noncommutative Geometry
Derivation and study of dynamical models of dislocation densities
Derivation of a two-fluids model for a Bose gas from a quantum kinetic system
Derivation of an eigenvalue probability density function relating to the Poincare disk
Derivation of determinantal structures for random matrix ensembles in a new way