Deformations of QFTs and Connes-Marcolli's renormalization group in Epstein-Glaser scheme
Deformations of quantum field theories and integrable models
Deformations of Quantum Field Theories on Curved Spacetimes
Deformations of quantum field theories on de Sitter spacetime
Deformations of quantum field theories on spacetimes with Killing vector fields
Deformations of the Boson $sp(4,R)$ Representation and its Subalgebras
Deformed $C_λ$-Extended Heisenberg Algebra in Non-commutative Phase-Space
Deformed algebras, position-dependent effective masses and curved spaces: An exactly solvable Coulomb problem
Deformed Clifford algebra and supersymmetric quantum mechanics on a phase space with applications in quantum optics
Deformed exterior algebra, Quons and related Coherent States
Deformed Legendre Polynomial and Its Application
Deformed Noncommutative Tori
Deformed quantum Calogero-Moser problems and Lie superalgebras
Deformed quantum mechanics and q-Hermitian operators
Deformed squeezed states in noncommutative phase space
Deformed su(1,1) algebra as a model for quantum oscillators
Deforming the Lie Superalgebra $\mathcal{K}(1)$-Modules Of Symbols
Deforming the Lie Superalgebra of Contact Vector Fields on $S^{1|1}$
Degeneracies in the length spectra of metric graphs
Degeneracy of Schrodinger equation with potential $1/r$ in $d$-dimensions