Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebras (VI) --Vacuum representation of Heisenberg algebra--
Deformation in Phase Space
Deformation of a 3 -> 3 Pachner move relation capturing exotic second homologies
Deformation of nonrelativistic space-time and forces noticed by noninertial observer
Deformation of the J-matrix method of scattering
Deformation of the three-term recursion relation and the generation of new orthogonal polynomials
Deformation of two body quantum Calogero-Moser-Sutherland models
Deformation Quantization and Quaternions
Deformation Quantization and Reduction by Stages
Deformation quantization and the Baum-Connes conjecture
Deformation quantization for coupled harmonic oscillators on a general noncommutative space
Deformation Quantization in Singular Spaces
Deformation Quantization of a Certain Type of Open Systems
Deformation quantization of compact Kähler manifolds via Berezin-Toeplitz operators
Deformation quantization of rank I Bergman domain
Deformation von Lie-Algebroiden und Dirac-Strukturen
Deformational Structures on Smooth Manifolds
Deformations of Fermionic Quantum Field Theories and Integrable Models
Deformations of Frobenius structures on Hurwitz spaces
Deformations of Gabor Frames