Decorrelation estimates for the eigenlevels of the discrete Anderson model in the localized regime
Deduction of the law of motion of the charges from Maxwell equations
Deepening the vector coherent state analysis: Revisiting the harmonic oscillator
Defect lines, dualities, and generalised orbifolds
Defect Modes and Homogenization of Periodic Schrödinger Operators
Defective beams in MEMS: a model of non-ideal rods using a Cosserat approach for component level modelling
Defining relations associated with the principal sl(2)-subalgebras of simple Lie algebras
Defining relations for the exceptional Lie superalgebras of vector fields pertaining to The Standard Model
Definite integrals by the method of brackets. Part 1
Definition and characterization of supersmooth functions on superspace based on Fréchet-Grassmann algebra
Deflated and restarted symmetric Lanczos methods for eigenvalues and linear equations with multiple right-hand sides
Deflated GMRES for Systems with Multiple Shifts and Multiple Right-Hand Sides
Deflated Iterative Methods for Linear Equations with Multiple Right-Hand Sides
Deflated Iterative Methods for Linear Equations with Multiple Right-Hand Sides
Deformation dynamics and the Gauss-Bonnet topological term in string theory
Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebra
Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebras (I) --(Jacobi's theta functions and *-exponential functions)--
Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebras (II) --(Weyl algebra of 2m-generators)--
Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebras (III) --Generic product formula for *-exponentials of quadratic forms--
Deformation Expression for Elements of Algebras (V) - Diagonal matrix calculus and $*$-special functions -