Double scaling limit in the random matrix model: the Riemann-Hilbert approach
Double scaling limits of random matrices and minimal (2m,1) models: the merging of two cuts in a degenerate case
Double series expression for the Stieltjes constants
Double Well Potential: Perturbation Theory, Tunneling, WKB (beyond instantons)
Double-delta potentials: one dimensional scattering. The Casimir effect and kink fluctuations
Downstream asymptotics in exterior domains: from stationary wakes to time periodic flows
Dressing chain equations associated to difference soliton systems
Dressing method and the coupled KP hierarchy
Drinfel'd Twists and Functional Bethe Ansatz
Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchies of type A and fourth order Painleve systems
Droplet Excitations for the Spin-1/2 XXZ Chain with Kink Boundary Conditions
Droplet minimizers for the Cahn Hilliard free energy functional
Droplet minimizers for the Gates-Lebowitz-Penrose free energy functional
Droplet States in the XXZ Heisenberg Chain
Dual -1 Hahn polynomials and perfect state transfer
Dual Baxter equations and quantization of Affine Jacobian
Dual Christoffel transformations
Dual Connections in Nonparametric Classical Information Geometry
Dual Kappa Poincare Algebra
Dual Killing-Yano symmetry and multipole moments in electromagnetism and mechanics of continua