Discrete-Time Path Distributions on Hilbert Space
Discrete-time quantum walks: continuous limit and symmetries
Discretely holomorphic parafermions and integrable boundary conditions
Discretely Holomorphic Parafermions and Integrable Loop Models
Discretely Holomorphic Parafermions in Lattice Z(N) Models
Discreteness and its effect on the water-wave turbulence
Discretization of partial differential equations preserving their physical symmetries
Discretizations preserving all Lie point symmetries of the Korteweg-de Vries equation
Discretized Volumes in Numerical Methods
Disentangling q-exponentials: A general approach
Dislocation Defects and Diophantine Approximation
Dislocation problems for periodic Schrödinger operators and mathematical aspects of small angle grain boundaries
Disorder relevance at marginality and critical point shift
Disordered quantum wires: microscopic origins of the DMPK theory and Ohm's law
Disordered Systems, Spanning Trees and SLE
Dispersion and collapse of wave maps
Dispersion for Schrödinger Operators with One-gap Periodic Potentials on R^1
Dispersion Law of the Form $ε(p)=\hbar^2p^2/2m +\widetilde V(p)-\widetilde V(0)$ for Elementary Excitations of Nonideal Fermi Gas in the Pair Interaction Approximation $(i\leftrightarrow j)$, $V(|x_i-x_j|)$
Dispersion relation of the non-linear Klein-Gordon equation through a variational method
Dispersion Relations and Wave Operators in Self-Similar Quasi-Continuous Linear Chains