Discrete Painlevé equations for a class of \PVI $τ$-functions given as U(N) averages
Discrete Painlevé equations, Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and $N$-recurrences for averages over U(N) -- \PVI $τ$-functions
Discrete Painlevé equations, Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle and N-recurrences for averages over U(N) -- \PIIIa and \PV $τ$-functions
Discrete path integral approach to the trace formula for regular graphs
Discrete period matrices and related topics
Discrete phase integral method for five-term recursion relations
Discrete phase space - I: Variational formalism for classical relativistic wave fields
Discrete phase space - II: The second quantization of free relativistic wave fields
Discrete phase space - III: The Divergence-free S-matrix elements
Discrete Polynomials and Discrete Holomorphic Approximation
Discrete q-derivatives and symmetries of q-difference equations
Discrete Quantum Mechanics
Discrete quantum model of the harmonic oscillator
Discrete Quantum Processes
Discrete quasiperiodic sets with predefined covering cluster
Discrete quasiperiodic sets with predefined local structure
Discrete Reductive Perturbation Technique
Discrete Riemann surfaces, linear and non-linear
Discrete Schrödinger equation on finite field and associated cellular automaton
Discrete Schrodinger operators and topology