Decay estimates for steady solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in two dimensions in the presence of a wall
Decay of a Bound State under a Time-Periodic Perturbation: a Toy Case
Decay of correlations in nearest-neighbor self-avoiding walk, percolation, lattice trees and animals
Decay of Quantum Correlations in a Lattice by Heat Kernel Methods
Decay of solutions of wave-type pseudo-differential equations over p-adic fields
Decay of the Fourier transform of surfaces with vanishing curvature
Decay Properties of the Connectivity for Mixed Long Range Percolation Models on $\Z^d$
Decay Semigroups for the Resonances of Quantum Mechanical Scattering Systems
Decay to bound states of a soliton in a well
Decay versus survival of a localized state subjected to harmonic forcing: exact results
Decision Theory with Prospect Interference and Entanglement
Decoherence and infrared divergence
Decoherence rates for Galilean covariant dynamics
Decomposable medium conditions in four-dimensional representation
Decomposition of spectral density in individual eigenvalue contributions
Decomposition of the Height Function of Scherk's First Surface
Decomposition rules for conformal pairs associated to symmetric spaces and abelian subalgebras of Z_2-graded Lie algebras
Decomposition Theory of Spin Connection and Topological Structure of Gauss-Bonnet-Chern Theorem on Manifold With Boundary
Deconstructing Monopoles and Instantons
Deconvolution closure for mesoscopic continuum models of particle systems