ATLAS Pixel Opto-Electronics
ATLAS RPC Cosmic Ray Teststand at INFN Lecce
ATLAS RPC offline monitoring and data quality assessment
ATLAS RPC Quality Assurance results at INFN Lecce
ATLAS silicon microstrip tracker: operation and performance
ATLAS silicon module assembly and qualification tests at IFIC Valencia
ATLAS Upgrade for the HL-LHC: meeting the challenges of a five-fold increase in collision rate
Atmospheric MUons from PArametric formulas: a fast GEnerator for neutrino telescopes (MUPAGE)
Atom chips on direct bonded copper substrates
Atomic Hydrogen Cleaning of Polarized GaAs Photocathodes
Attenuation study for Tibet Water Cherenkov Muon Detector Array-A
Attitude Determination from Single-Antenna Carrier-Phase Measurements
Audio Cards for High-Resolution and Economical Electronic Transport Studies
Automated characterization of single-photon avalanche photodiode
Avalanche diodes as photon-counting detectors in astronomical photometry
Axion Detection in the Micromaser
Axion Search with Q & A Experiment