$A_{n-1}$ Gaudin model with open boundaries
$B \wedge F$ Term by Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a generalized Abelian Higgs Model
$c = r_g$ Theories of $W_G$-Gravity: The Set of Observables as a Model of Simply Laced $G$
$CP^2$ soliton scattering: The collective coordinate approximation
$CP^N$ Model With a Chern-Simons Term
$CP^{1}$ model with Hopf interaction: the quantum theory
$CP^{1}$ model with Hopf term and fractional spin statistics
$CP^{N-1}$ Models at a Lifshitz Point
$C^*$-algebras of $b$-pseudodifferential operators and an $\R^k$-equivariant index theorem
$C_2$ Toda theory in the reduced WZNW framework
$c_M<1$ String Theory as a Constrained Topological Sigma Model
$d+id$ Holographic Superconductors
$D5$-brane type I superstring background fields in terms of type IIB ones by canonical method and T-duality approach
$D=2$ String Theory in Target Space/World-Sheet Light-Cone Gauge
$DIFF(s^1)$, TeichmÜller Space and Period Matrices: Canonical Mappings via String Theory
$d\geq 5$ static black holes with $S^2\times S^{d-4}$ event horizon topology
$D_{00}$ Propagator in the Coulomb Gauge
$E_7$ as $D=10$ space-time symmetry --- Origin of the twistor transform
$E_{11}$, Borcherds algebras and maximal supergravity
$E_{11}$, SL(32) and Central Charges