Zeta functions, renormalization group equations, and the effective action
Zeta Nonlocal Scalar Fields
Zeta-function approach to Casimir energy with singular potentials
Zeta-function on the generalised cone
zeta-function regularization and the interacting Bose gas at low temperature
Zeta-function regularization and the thermodynamic potential for quantum fields in symmetric spaces
Zeta-Function Regularization is Uniquely Defined and Well
Zeta-function regularization, the multiplicative anomaly and the Wodzicki residue
Zeta-Functions for Non-Minimal Operators
Zhu's Theorem and an algebraic characterization of conformal blocks
Zig Zag symmetry in AdS/CFT duality
Zipping and Unzipping of Cosmic String Loops in Collision
Zitterbewegung and reduction: 4D spinning particles and 3D anyons on light-like curves
Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories
ZZ boundary states and fragmented AdS2 spaces
ZZ brane amplitudes from matrix models
ZZ Brane Decay in D Dimensions
ZZ branes from a worldsheet perspective
ZZ-Branes of N=2 Super-Liouville Theory
Z^0 \to 2γand the Twisted Coproduct of the Poincaré Group