Zero Modes in a $c = 2$ Matrix Model
Zero modes in finite range magnetic fields
Zero Modes in Light-Front $φ^4_{1+1}$
Zero modes in non local domain walls
Zero modes of fermions with general mass matrix
Zero Modes of First Class Secondary Constraints in Gauge Theories
Zero Modes of Gauss' Constraint in Gaugeless Reduction of Yang - Mills Theory
Zero Modes of Matter Fields on Scalar Flat Thick Branes
Zero Modes of Rotationally Symmetric Generalized Vortices and Vortex Scattering
Zero modes of six-dimensional Abelian vortices
Zero Modes of the Dirac Operator for regular Einstein-Yang-Mills Background fields
Zero modes of the Dirac operator in three dimensions
Zero modes of the SU(2)_k Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model in Euler angles parametrization
Zero modes on cosmic string loops
Zero modes on cosmic strings in an external magnetic field
Zero modes' fusion ring and braid group representations for the extended chiral su(2) WZNW model
Zero modes, beta functions and IR/UV interplay in higher-loop QED
Zero modes, entropy bounds and partition functions
Zero modes, gauge fixing, monodromies, $ζ$-functions and all that
Zero point energy on extra dimension: Noncommutative Torus