Vortex solutions of the Liouville equation
Vortex String Dynamics in an External Antisymmetric Tensor Field
Vortex Strings and Four-Dimensional Gauge Dynamics
Vortex Strings and Nonabelian sine-Gordon Theories
Vortex Structure in Charged Condensate
Vortex-like Structures in the Skyrme-Einstein Chiral Model
Vortex-type Half-BPS Solitons in ABJM Theory
Vortices and 3 dimensional dualities
Vortices and bags in 2+1 dimension
Vortices and domain walls in a Chern-Simons theory with magnetic moment interaction
Vortices and Flat Connections
Vortices and Jacobian varieties
Vortices and Monopoles in Mass-deformed SO and USp Gauge Theories
Vortices and Superfields on a Graph
Vortices as Instantons in Noncommutative Discrete Space: Use of $Z_{2}$ Coordinates
Vortices in (2+1)d Conformal Fluids
Vortices in (abelian) Chern-Simons gauge theory
Vortices in a nonminimal Maxwell-Chern-Simons O(3) Sigma Model
Vortices in Bogomol'nyi Limit of Einstein Maxwell Higgs Theory with or without External Sources