Vortex Filament in Three-manifold and the Duistermaat-Heckman Formula
Vortex Formation in a $U(1) \times U(1)'$, N=2, D=3 Supersymmetric Gauge Model
Vortex free energy and deconfinement in center-blind discretizations of Yang-Mills theories
Vortex Holography
Vortex induced confinement and the IR properties of Green functions
Vortex lattice for a holographic superconductor
Vortex Line Nucleation of First-Order Transition U(1)-Symmetric Field Systems
Vortex Loop Operators, M2-branes and Holography
Vortex Motion In Charged Fluids
Vortex Pair Creation on Brane-Antibrane Pair via Marginal Deformation
Vortex Pairs in Charged Fluids
Vortex solution in 2+1 dimensional Yang-Mills theory at high temperatures
Vortex solutions in axial or chiral coupled non-relativistic spinor- Chern-Simons theory
Vortex Solutions in the Chern-Simons Stuekelberg Model
Vortex solutions in the noncommutative torus
Vortex Solutions of a Fermion Maxwell-Chern-Simons Theory
Vortex solutions of a Maxwell-Chern-Simons field coupled to four-fermion theory
Vortex Solutions of Four-fermion Theory coupled to a Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons Gauge Field
Vortex Solutions of Nonrelativistic Fermion and Scalar Field Theories Coupled to Maxwell-Chern-Simons theories
Vortex solutions of parity and time reversal invariant Maxwell-Dirac-Chern-Simons gauge theory