Vertex Operators in IIB Matrix Model
Vertex operators in solvable lattice models
Vertex Operators of SL(2,R) Black Hole and 2-d gravity
Vertex Operators of the $q$-Virasoro Algebra; Defining Relations, Adjoint Actions and Four Point Functions
Vertex operators of Type IIB matrix model via calculation of disk amplitudes
Vertex operators, semiclassical limit for soliton S-matrices and the number of bound states in Affine Toda Field Theories
Vertex Ring-Indexed Lie Algebras
Vertex--IRF correspondence and factorized L-operators for an elliptic R-operator
Vertex--Operatoren, Darstellungen der Virasoro--Algebra und konforme Quantenfeldtheorie
Vertical versus Diagonal Dimensional Reduction for p-branes
Very Extended $E_8$ and $A_8$ at low levels, Gravity and Supergravity
Very Long Time Scales and Black Hole Thermal Equilibrium
Very Special (de Sitter) Relativity
Very special relativity as particle in a gauge field and two-time physics
Very Special Relativity in Curved Space-Times
Very-extended Kac-Moody algebras and their interpretation at low levels
VEV's and condensates from the Schrödinger Wave-functional
Viability of f(R) Theories with Additional Powers of Curvature
Vibrating giant spikes and the large-winding sector
Vibrating Winding Branes, Wrapping Democracy and Stabilization of Extra Dimensions in Dilaton Gravity