Vertex Operator Representation of the Soliton Tau Functions in the $A_n^{(1)}$ Toda Models by Dressing Transformations
Vertex Operator Superalgebras and Their Representations
Vertex Operators - From a Toy Model to Lattice Algebras
Vertex Operators and Matrix Elements of $U_q(su(2)_k)$ via Bosonization
Vertex Operators and Scattering Amplitudes of the Bosonic Open String Theory in the Linear Dilaton Background
Vertex Operators and Soliton Solutions of Affine Toda Model with U(2) Symmetry
Vertex Operators and Soliton Time Delays in Affine Toda Field Theory
Vertex Operators and Solitons of Constrained KP Hierarchies
Vertex Operators are Not Closeable
Vertex Operators for AdS3 Background With Ramond Ramond Flux
Vertex Operators for AdS3 with Ramond Background
Vertex Operators for Closed Superstrings
Vertex Operators for Deformed Virasoro Algebra
Vertex Operators for Super Yang-Mills and Multi D-Branes in Green-Schwarz Superstring
Vertex Operators for the BF System and its Spin-Statistics Theorems
Vertex Operators for the Supermembrane
Vertex Operators for the Supermembrane and Background Field Matrix Theory
Vertex Operators in $AdS_3\times S^3$ Background with NS_NS Flux using Berkovits-Vafa-Witten Variables
Vertex Operators in 2K Dimensions
Vertex Operators in 4D Quantum Gravity Formulated as CFT