Symmetry constraints on generalizations of Bjorken flow
Symmetry content of a generalized p-form model of Schwarz-type in d dimensions
Symmetry Decomposition of Potentials with Channels
Symmetry Energy and Universality classes of holographic QCD
Symmetry group of massive Yang-Mills theories without Higgs and their quantization
Symmetry in noncommutative quantum mechanics
Symmetry in the Topological Phase of String Theory
Symmetry invariance, anticommutativity and nilpotency in BRST approach to QED: superfield formalism
Symmetry limitations on quantum mechanical observers, and conjectured link with string theory
Symmetry Non Restoration and Inverse Symmetry Breaking on the lattice
Symmetry Nonrestoration in a Gross-Neveu Model with Random Chemical Potential
Symmetry of massive Rarita-Schwinger fields
Symmetry operators and separability of massive Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations in the general 5-dimensional Kerr-(anti-)de Sitter black hole background
Symmetry Origin of Infrared Divergence Cancellation in Topologically Massive Yang-Mills Theory
Symmetry Origin of Nonlinear Monopole
Symmetry Principle Preserving and Infinity Free Regularization and renormalization of quantum field theories and the mass gap
Symmetry Principles for String Theory
Symmetry properties of massive gauge theories in nonlinear background gauges: Background dependence of Green functions
Symmetry Properties of Self-Dual Fields
Symmetry Realization, Poisson Kernel and the AdS/CFT Correspondence