Parafermionic Liouville field theory and instantons on ALE spaces
Parafermionic polynomials, Selberg integrals and three-point correlation function in parafermionic Liouville field theory
Parafermionic quasi-particle basis and fermionic-type characters
Parafermionic Reductions of WZW Model
Parafermionic Representation of the Affine $sl(2/1)$ Algebra at Fractional Level
Parafermionic theory with the symmetry Z_5
Parafermionic theory with the symmetry Z_N, for N even
Parafermionic theory with the symmetry Z_N, for N odd
Parafermions for higher order extensions of the Poincaré algebra and their associated superspace
Parafermions, $W$ Strings and their BRST Charges
Parafermions, Brane Distributions and FRW Hierarchies
Parafermions, parabosons and representations of so(\infty) and osp(1|\infty)
Paragrassmann Algebras with Many Variables
Paragrassmann Analysis and Quantum Groups
Paragrassmann Extensions of the Virasoro Algebra
Parallel Transport in Gauge Theory on $M_4 \times Z_2$ Geometry
Parallel transport on non-Abelian flux tubes
Parallelisable Heterotic Backgrounds
Paramagnetic dominance, the sign of the beta function and UV/IR mixing in non-commutative U(1)
Paramagnetism, zero modes and mass singularities in QED in $1+1$, $2+1$ and $3+1$ dimensions