Partial Gauge Symmetry Breaking via Bare Mass
Partial Hamiltonian reduction of relativistic extended objects in light-cone gauge
Partial Masslessness of Higher Spins in (A)dS
Partial N=2 --> N=1 Local Supersymmetry Breaking and Solvable Lie Algebras
Partial non-renormalisation of the stress-tensor four-point function in N=4 SYM and AdS/CFT
Partial spontaneous breakdown of 3-dimensional N=2 supersymmetry
Partial Spontaneous Breaking of Global Supersymmetry
Partial spontaneous breaking of two-dimensional supersymmetry
Partial summation of the nonlocal expansion for the gravitational effective action in 4 dimensions
Partial Supersymmetry Breaking and AdS4 Supermembrane
Partial Supersymmetry Breaking and N=2 U(N_c) Gauge Model with Hypermultiplets in Harmonic Superspace
Partial Supersymmetry Breaking from Five Dimensions
Partial supersymmetry breaking in Multidimensional N=4 SUSY QM
Partial wave Analysis of the First Order Born Amplitude of a Dirac Particle in an Aharonov-Bohm Potential
Partial wave expansion and Wightman positivity in conformal field theory
Partially Dual variables in SU(2) Yang-Mills Theory
Partially embedding of the quantum mechanical analog of the nonlinear sigma model
Partially Localized Intersecting BPS Branes
Partially Massless Spin 2 Electrodynamics
Partially Massless Spin-2 Fields in String Generated Models