Moment Maps to Loop Algebras, Classical R-Matrix and Integrable Systems
Momentum dependence in the dynamically assisted Sauter-Schwinger effect
Momentum fluctuations of heavy quarks in the gauge-string duality
Momentum Lattice for CHL String
Momentum routing invariance in Feynman diagrams and quantum symmetry breakings
Momentum Scale Expansion of Sharp Cutoff Flow Equations
Momentum Space Regularizations and the Indeterminacy in the Schwinger Model
Momentum-carrying waves on D1-D5 microstate geometries
Momentum-space entanglement and renormalization in quantum field theory
Momumentum Analyticity and Finiteness of Compactified String Amplitudes, Part I: Tori
Monad Bundles in Heterotic String Compactifications
Monads and D-instantons
Monads, Strings, and M Theory
Monodromic strings
Monodromies and functional determinants in the CFT driven quantum cosmology
Monodromies, Fluxes, and Compact Three-Generation F-theory GUTs
Monodromy and Jacobi-like Relations for Color-Ordered Amplitudes
Monodromy and Kawai-Lewellen-Tye Relations for Gravity Amplitudes
Monodromy in the CMB: Gravity Waves and String Inflation
Monodromy Map and Classical r-matrices