Moduli Spaces of Fivebranes on Elliptic Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Moduli Spaces of Gauge Theories from Dimer Models: Proof of the Correspondence
Moduli Spaces of Instantons on the Taub-NUT Space
Moduli spaces of maximally supersymmetric solutions on noncommutative tori and noncommutative orbifolds
Moduli spaces of PU(2)-monopoles
Moduli spaces with external fields
Moduli Stabilisation and Applications in IIB String Theory
Moduli Stabilisation and de Sitter String Vacua from Magnetised D7 Branes
Moduli Stabilisation for Chiral Global Models
Moduli stabilisation in early superstring cosmology
Moduli Stabilisation in Heterotic Models with Standard Embedding
Moduli Stabilisation in Heterotic String Compactifications
Moduli Stabilisation on the Worldsheet
Moduli Stabilisation versus Chirality for MSSM like Type IIB Orientifolds
Moduli Stabilization and Cosmology of Type IIB on SU(2)-Structure Orientifolds
Moduli Stabilization and Inflation Using Wrapped Branes
Moduli stabilization and supersymmetry breaking in effective theories of strings
Moduli stabilization and SUSY breaking in heterotic orbifold string models
Moduli stabilization and uplifting with dynamically generated F-terms
Moduli Stabilization for Intersecting Brane Worlds in Type 0' String Theory