Moduli (Dilaton, Volume and Shape) Stabilization via Massless F and D String Modes
Moduli and (un)attractor black hole thermodynamics
Moduli and BPS configurations of the BLG theory
Moduli and Brane Intersections
Moduli and electromagnetic black brane holography
Moduli and Kähler potential in fermionic strings
Moduli and multi-field inflation
Moduli and Twisted Sector Dependence of Z_N x Z_M Orbifold Couplings
Moduli Corrections to D-term Inflation
Moduli Corrections to Gauge and Gravitational Couplings in four dimensional Superstrings
Moduli Corrections to Gravitational Couplings from String loops
Moduli Dependence of One--Loop Gauge Couplings in (0,2) Compactifications
Moduli Dependent mu-Terms in a Heterotic Standard Model
Moduli Dependent Non-Holomorphic Contributions of Massive States to Gravitational Couplings and $C^2$-Terms in $Z_N$-Orbifold Compactifications
Moduli Dependent Spectra of Heterotic Compactifications
Moduli Dynamics of AdS_3 Strings
Moduli effective action in warped brane world compactifications
Moduli Entrapment with Primordial Black Holes
Moduli Evolution in the Presence of Matter Fields and Flux Compactification
Moduli Fields as Quintessence and the Chameleon