Modular Matrix Models
Modular operads
Modular properties of ribbon abelian categories
Modular Solutions to Equations of Generalized Halphen Type
Modular Symmetries in $Z_N$ Orbifold Compactified String Theories with Wilson lines
Modular Symmetries of N=2 Black Holes
Modular Symmetries of Threshold Corrections for Abelian Orbifolds with Discrete Wilson Lines
Modular Symmetries, Threshold Corrections And Moduli For $Z_2 \times Z_2 $ Orbifolds
Modular Symmetry and Fractional Charges in N=2 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills and the Quantum Hall Effect
Modular Theory and Eyvind Wichmann's Contributions to modern Particle Physics Theory
Modular Theory and Symmetry in QFT
Modular transformation and boundary states in logarithmic conformal field theory
Modular Transformations and Invariants in the Context of Fractional Level Affine sl(2|1;C)
Modular Wedge Localization and the d=1+1 Formfactor Program
Modulated inflation from kinetic term
Modulated Instability in Five-Dimensional U(1) Charged AdS Black Hole with R**2-term
Modulated Perturbations from Instant Preheating after new Ekpyrosis
Modulated Reheating and Large Non-Gaussianity in String Cosmology
Modulation Field Induces Universe Rotation
Modules Over Affine Lie Superalgebras