Modular invariance of trace functions in orbifold theory
Modular Invariance on the Torus and Abelian Chern-Simons Theory
Modular Invariance, Finiteness, and Misaligned Supersymmetry: New Constraints on the Numbers of Physical String States
Modular invariance, lattice field theories and finite size corrections
Modular Invariant Anomalous U(1) Breaking
Modular Invariant Critical Superstrings on Four-dimensional Minkowski Space $\times$ Two-dimensional Black Hole
Modular Invariant Formulation of Multi-Gaugino and Matter Condensation
Modular Invariant Gaugino Condensation in the Presence of an Anomalous U(1)
Modular Invariant Partition Functions and Method of Shift Vector
Modular invariant partition functions for non-compact G/Ad(H) models
Modular Invariant Partition Functions in the Quantum Hall Effect
Modular invariants and fusion rule automorphisms from Galois theory
Modular Invariants and Generalized Halphen Systems
Modular Invariants of $N=2$ Supersymmetric $SU(1,1)$ Models
Modular Invariants, Graphs and $α$-Induction for Nets of Subfactors. III
Modular Invariants, Graphs and $α$-Induction for Nets of Subfactors I
Modular Invariants, Graphs and $α$-Induction for Nets of Subfactors II
Modular Localization and the Bootstrap-Formfactor Program
Modular Localization of Massive Particles with "Any" Spin in d=2+1
Modular Localization, H-Temperatures and the Bethe Ansatz Structure