Modification of Heisenberg uncertainty relations in non-commutative Snyder space-time geometry
Modification of Matrix Models by Square Terms of Scaling Operators
Modification of the Casimir Effect due to a Minimal length scale
Modification to the power spectrum in the brane world inflation driven by the bulk inflaton
Modifications of the area law and N=2 supersymmetric black holes
Modified Bargmann-Wigner Formalism (Bosons of Spin 1 and 2)
Modified Black Holes in Two Dimensional Gravity
Modified brane cosmologies with induced gravity, arbitrary matter content and a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk
Modified Chaplygin Gas as Scalar Field and Holographic Dark Energy Model
Modified Dispersion Relations from Closed Strings in Toroidal Cosmology
Modified Entropic Force
Modified f(R) gravity from scalar-tensor theory and inhomogeneous EoS dark energy
Modified f(R) gravity unifying R^m inflation with \LambdaCDM epoch
Modified F(R) Horava-Lifshitz gravity: a way to accelerating FRW cosmology
Modified first-order Horava-Lifshitz gravity: Hamiltonian analysis of the general theory and accelerating FRW cosmology in power-law F(R) model
Modified Friedmann Equation and Inflation in Warped Codimension-two Braneworld
Modified Gauss-Bonnet theory as gravitational alternative for dark energy
Modified Gravitational Equations on Braneworld with Lorentz Invariant Violation
Modified gravity and its reconstruction from the universe expansion history
Modified gravity as an alternative for Lambda-CDM cosmology