Models for unitary black hole disintegration
Models of Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking from a SU(2k+3) Model
Models of Electroweak Interactions in Non-Commutative Geometry: A Comparison
Models of Gauge Field Theory on Noncommutative Spaces
Models of Holographic superconductivity
Models of Inflation on D-Branes
Models of Modular Inflation and Their Phenomenological Consequences
Models of non-relativistic quantum gravity: the good, the bad and the healthy
Models of Quantum Space Time: Quantum Field Planes
Models of relativistic particle with curvature and torsion revisited
Models on Event Symmetric Space-Time
Models WD_{n} in the presence of disorder and the coupled models
Models with Quantum Symmetry and their Spectra
Models with Quartic Potential of Dynamical SUSY Breaking in Meta-Stable Vacua
Modern Metaphysics
Modes of Log Gravity
Modification of Abel-Plana formula for functions with non-integrable branch-points
Modification of black-hole entropy by strings
Modification of Decay Constants of Superstring Axions: Effects of Flux Compactification and Axion Mixing
Modification of Gravitational Anomaly Method in Hawking Radiation