Model-Building for Fractional Superstrings
Model-Independent Analysis of Soft Terms in Effective Supergravity and in String Theory
Model-Independent Signatures of New Physics in non-Gaussianity
Model-Independent Signatures of New Physics in Slow-Roll Inflation
Modeling a network of brane worlds
Modeling Heavy Ion Collisions in AdS/CFT
Modeling M-Theory Vacua via Gauged S-Duality
Modeling Multiple M2's
Modeling the fifth dimension with scalars and gravity
Modeling Time's Arrow
Modeling transverse relative locality
Modelling a Noncommutative Two-Brane
Modelling a Particle Detector in Field Theory
Modelling macroscopic and baby universes by fundamental strings
Models for Chronology Selection
Models for Little Rip Dark Energy
Models for low-energy Lorentz violation in the photon sector: Addendum to 'Consistency of isotropic modified Maxwell theory'
Models for Modules
Models for Operads
Models for the Brane-Bulk Interaction: Toward Understanding Braneworld Cosmological Perturbation