Mode dependent field renormalization and triviality
Mode Interactions of the Tachyon Condensate in p-adic String Theory
Mode Regularization for N=1,2 SUSY Sigma Model
Mode Regularization of the Configuration Space Path Integral for a Particle in Curved Space
Mode regularization of the susy sphaleron and kink: zero modes and discrete gauge symmetry
Mode regularization, time slicing, Weyl ordering and phase space path integrals for quantum mechanical nonlinear sigma models
Mode-by-mode summation for the zero point electromagnetic energy of an infinite cylinder
Model Building and Phenomenology of Flux-Induced Supersymmetry Breaking on D3-branes
Model building in AdS/CMT: DC conductivity and Hall angle
Model Building with F-Theory
Model building with intersecting D6-branes on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds
Model for self-tuning the cosmological constant
Model for SU(3) vacuum degeneracy using light-cone coordinates
Model of a quantum particle in spacetime
Model of a relativistic oscillator in a generalized Schrödinger picture
Model of black hole evolution
Model of M-theory with Eleven Matrices
Model of statistically coupled chiral fields on the circle
Model of supersymmetric quantum field theory with broken parity symmetry
Model with Possible Fields Generated by Higher Dimensional Superconducting Cosmic Strings