Mixed correlation functions in the 2-matrix model, and the Bethe ansatz
Mixed Correlation Functions of the Two-Matrix Model
Mixed Hodge Structures and Renormalization in Physics
Mixed RG Flows and Hydrodynamics at Finite Holographic Screen
Mixed States from Anomalies
Mixed symmetry gauge fields in a flat background
Mixed Symmetry Solutions of Generalized Three-Particle Bargmann-Wigner Equations in the Strong-Coupling Limit
Mixed-symmetry massive fields in AdS(5)
Mixed-Symmetry Massless Fields in Minkowski space Unfolded
Mixed-symmetry massless gauge fields in AdS(5)
Mixing internal and spacetime transformations: some examples and counterexamples
Mixing of Ground States in Vertex Models
Mixing of the RR and NSNS sectors in the BMN limit
Mixing-induced Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking
Mixmaster Horava-Witten Cosmology
Mixmaster universe in Horava-Lifshitz gravity
Modal expansions and non-perturbative quantum field theory in Minkowski space
Modal field theory and quasi-sparse eigenvector diagonalization
Modave Lectures on Fuzzballs and Emission from the D1-D5 System
Mode Analysis and Duality Symmetry in Different Dimensions