Mirror Symmetry, Mirror Map and Applications to Calabi-Yau Hypersurfaces
Mirror Symmetry, Mirror Map and Applications to Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Spaces
Mirror Symmetry, N=1 Superpotentials and Tensionless Strings on Calabi-Yau Four-Folds
Mirror Transform and String Theory
Mirrorfolds with K3 Fibrations
Mirrors and Phases of N=4 in D=3
Mirrors of 3d Sicilian theories
Miscellaneous Physical Applications of Quantum Algebras
Misleading Anomaly Matchings?
Misner String Entropy
Missing Mirrors: Type IIA Supergravity on the Resolved Conifold
Missing Modules, the Gnome Lie Algebra, and $E_{10}$
Missing Yang-Mills instantons on ALE spaces
Miura-Like Free Field Realization Of Fermionic Casimir WB(3) Algebras
Mixed (open/closed) N=(2,2) string theory as an integrable deformation of self-duality
Mixed Boundary Conditions and Brane-String Bound States
Mixed Branes and M(atrix) Theory on Noncommutative Torus
Mixed Branes at Angle in Compact Spacetime
Mixed Branes Interaction in Compact Spacetime
Mixed colour states in QCD confining vacuum