Minkowski vacua can be metastable
Minkowski vacuum transitions in (non-geometric) flux compactifications
Minkowski-space correlators in AdS/CFT correspondence: recipe and applications
Minor Identities for Quasideterminants and Quantum Determinants
Miracle at the Gepner Point
Miracles and complementarity in de Sitter space
Mirage Cosmology
Mirage Cosmology in M-theory
Mirage Cosmology of U(1) Gauge Field on Unstable D3 Brane Universe
Mirage Cosmology on Unstable D3-Brane Universe
Mirage cosmology with an unstable probe D3-brane
Mirage effects on the brane
Mirage resolution of cosmological singularities
Mirage Torsion
Mirror branes
Mirror duality and noncommutative tori
Mirror duality and string-theoretic Hodge numbers
Mirror effect induced by the dilaton field on the Hawking radiation
Mirror Fermat Calabi-Yau Threefolds and Landau-Ginzburg Black Hole Attractors
Mirror Fermions in Noncommutative Geometry