M-Theory and U-duality on T^d with Gauge Backgrounds
M-Theory as a Holographic Field Theory
M-theory backgrounds with 30 Killing spinors are maximally supersymmetric
M-Theory Brane as Giant Graviton and the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
M-Theory Brane Deformations
M-theory branes and their interactions
M-theory Calabi-Yau Quantum Mechanics
M-theory compactification, fluxes and AdS_4
M-theory compactifications on certain `toric' cones of $G_2$ holonomy
M-theory compactifications on hyperbolic spaces
M-theory Compactifications on Manifolds with G2 Structure
M-theory compactifications, G_2-manifolds and anomalies
M-theory compactified on Calabi-Yau fourfolds with background flux
M-theory Conifolds
M-theory cosmologies from singular Calabi-Yau compactifications
M-theory description of 1/4 BPS states in N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory
M-theory description of BPS string in 7-brane background
M-theory duality and BPS-extended supergravity
M-Theory Dynamics On A Manifold Of G_2 Holonomy
M-theory FDA, Twisted Tori and Chevalley Cohomology