M-Theory (the Theory Formerly Known as Strings)
M-theory and a Topological String Duality
M-theory and automorphic scattering
M-theory and Characteristic Classes
M-Theory and de Sitter Space
M-theory and Deformation Quantization
M-theory and E10: Billiards, Branes, and Imaginary Roots
M-theory and Gauged Supergravities
M-Theory and Hypercharge
M-Theory and Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
M-theory and N=2 Strings
M-theory and Seven-Dimensional Inhomogeneous Sasaki-Einstein Manifolds
M-Theory and String-String Duality
M-Theory and Stringy Corrections to Anti-de Sitter Black Holes and Conformal Field Theories
M-Theory and the Light Cone
M-theory and the string genus expansion
M-Theory and Topological Strings--I
M-Theory and Topological Strings--II
M-Theory and Two-Dimensional Effective Dynamics