Multi-centered black holes in gauged D=5 supergravity
Multi-channel Bethe-Salpeter equation
Multi-Colour Braid-Monoid Algebras
Multi-Component KdV Hierarchy, V-Algebra and Non-Abelian Toda Theory
Multi-dimensional classical and quantum cosmology: Exact solutions, signature transition and stabilization
Multi-dimensional Virasoro algebra and quantum gravity
Multi-Domain Walls in Massive Supersymmetric Sigma-Models
Multi-exponential models of (1+1)-dimensional dilaton gravity and Toda-Liouville integrable models
Multi-Field Coset Space Realizations of $w_{1+\infty}$
Multi-field DBI inflation: introducing bulk forms and revisiting the gravitational wave constraints
Multi-field galileons and higher co-dimension branes
Multi-Field Generalisations of the Klein-Gordon Theory associated with p-Branes
Multi-Field Inflation from String Theory
Multi-Field Inflation on the Landscape
Multi-field Inflation with a Random Potential
Multi-field representations of KP hierarchies and multi-matrix models
Multi-Flux Warped Throats and Cascading Gauge Theories
Multi-galileons, solitons and Derrick's theorem
Multi-Gluon Scattering in Open Superstring Theory
Multi-graviton theories : yes-go and no-go results