Multi--dimensional IWP Solutions for Heterotic String Theory
Multi--Soliton Solutions of Affine Toda Models
Multi-angle Five-Brane Intersections
Multi-band structure of the quantum bound states for a generalized nonlinear Schrodinger model
Multi-black hole configurations on the cylinder
Multi-Black Hole Sectors of AdS_3 Gravity
Multi-black hole solutions in five dimensions
Multi-black holes from nilpotent Lie algebra orbits
Multi-black rings and the phase diagram of higher-dimensional black holes
Multi-Black Rings on Eguchi-Hanson Space
Multi-Body Interactions of D-Particles in Supergravity and Matrix Theory
Multi-boundary effects in Dirichlet String Theory
Multi-BPS D-vortices
Multi-Brane Recombination and Standard Model Flux Vacua
Multi-Brane Worlds and modification of gravity at large scales
Multi-Caloron solutions
Multi-calorons and their moduli
Multi-Calorons Revisited
Multi-center MICZ-Kepler system, supersymmetry and integrability
Multi-Center non-BPS Black Holes - the Solution