Moyal Quantization, Holography, and the Quantum Geometry of Surfaces
Moyal Quantum Mechanics: The Semiclassical Heisenberg Dynamics
Moyal Representation of the String Field Star Product in the Presence of a B-background
MQCD, ('Barely') G_2 Manifolds and (Orientifold of) a Compact Calabi-Yau
MSFT : Moyal Star Formulation of String Field Theory
MSSM GUT String Vacua, Split Supersymmetry and Fluxes
MSSM parameters from supergravity backgrounds
MSSM vacua from Flux Compactifications
MSSM via Pati-Salam from Intersecting Branes on $T^6/(\mathbf{\Z_2} \times \mathbf{\Z_2'})$
MSSM with Soft SUSY Breaking Terms from D7-Branes with Fluxes
MSSM-like AdS Flux Vacua with Frozen Open-string Moduli
MSW Instantons
Mtric from Non-Metric Action of Gravity
Much Ado About Nothing
Multi giant graviton systems, SUSY breaking and CFT
Multi Hamilton-Jacobi quantization of O(3) nonlinear sigma model
Multi instanton calculus on ALE spaces
Multi instanton tests of holography
Multi Parametric Deformed Heisenberg Algebras: A Route to Complexity
Multi-(super)graviton theory on topologically non-trivial backgrounds