Moving Five-Branes and Membrane Instantons in Low Energy Heterotic M-Theory
Moving Five-Branes in Low-Energy Heterotic M-Theory
Moving Frames Hierarchy and BF Theory
Moving Mirror Model of Hawking Evaporation
Moving Mixed Branes in Compact Spacetime
Moving Moduli, Calabi-Yau Phase Transitions and Massless BPS Configurations in Type II Superstrings
Moving Quark in a Viscous Fluid
Moving sources in a ghost condensate
Moving Stable Solitons in Galileon Theory
Moving vortices in noncommutative gauge theory
Moyal Brackets in M-Theory
Moyal Brackets, Star Products and the Generalised Wigner Function
Moyal Deformation, Seiberg-Witten-Map, and Integrable Models
Moyal dynamics of constraint systems
Moyal Formulation of Witten's Star Product in the Fermionic Ghost Sector
Moyal Nahm Equations
Moyal Noncommutative Integrability and the Burgers-KdV Mapping
Moyal Planes are Spectral Triples
Moyal Quantization for Constrained System
Moyal Quantization on Fuzzy Sphere