Morse Theory and the Topology of Configuration Space
Morse Theory in Field Theory
Most General Spherically Symmetric M2-branes and Type IIB Strings
Mother Moose: Generating Extra Dimensions from Simple Groups at Large N
Motion of a Particle with Isospin in the Presence of a Monopole
Motion of a Rigid Body in Body-Fixed Coordinate System -- for Autoparrallel Trajectories in Spaces with Torsion
Motion of Coloured Particles in Solitons of the O(3) Non-Linear Model
Motion of pole-dipole and quadrupole particles in non-minimally coupled theories of gravity
Motion of Spin-1/2 Particles in External Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields
Motion of Wavefunction Zeros in Spin-Boson Systems
Motion on moduli spaces with potentials
Motion on the n-dimensional ellipsoid under the influence of a harmonic force revisited
Motions of the String Solutions in the XXZ Spin Chain under a Varying Twist
Motivations and Physical Aims of Algebraic QFT
Motives: an introductory survey for physicists
Moulting Black Holes
Moving Branes in Presence of the Background Tachyon Fields
Moving Branes with Background Massless and Tachyon Fields in the Compact Spacetime
Moving Defects in AdS/CFT
Moving Five-Branes and Cosmology