Monopoles, vortices and kinks in the framework of non-commutative geometry
Monopoles, Vortices and Strings: Confinement and Deconfinement in 2+1 Dimensions at Weak Coupling
Monopoles, Vortices, Domain Walls and D-Branes: The Rules of Interaction
Monster symmetry and Extremal CFTs
Monstrous branes
Monstrous Heterotic Quantum Mechanics
Monstrous Moonshine and the uniqueness of the Moonshine module
Monte Carlo Approach to M-Theory
Monte Carlo approach to nonperturbative strings -- demonstration in noncritical string theory
Monte Carlo Hamiltonian: the Linear Potentials
Monte Carlo Simulations of 2-Dimensional Quantum Gravity Coupled to $c = 1$ Matter
Monte Carlo studies of Matrix theory correlation functions
Monte Carlo studies of supersymmetric matrix quantum mechanics with sixteen supercharges at finite temperature
Monte Carlo Studies of the Dimensionally Reduced 4d SU(N) Super Yang-Mills Theory
Monte Carlo Studies of the GWW Phase Transition in Large-N Gauge Theories
Monte Carlo Studies of the IIB Matrix Model at Large N
Monte Carlo study of exact S-matrix duality in non simply laced affine Toda theories
Monte--Carlo Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz
Monte-Carlo Simulation of Domain-Wall Network in Two-dimensional Extended Supersymmetric Theory
Moonshine Cohomology