Monopole Zeros
Monopole, gluino and charge condensates in gauge theories with broken N=2 supersymmetry
Monopole--Antimonopole Chains
Monopole--Instantons in M2-brane Theories
Monopole-Anitmonopole Solutions of Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory
Monopole-Antimonopole and Vortex Rings
Monopole-Antimonopole Chains and Vortex Rings
Monopole-antimonopole interaction in Abelian Higgs model
Monopole-Antimonopole Pair Dyons
Monopole-Antimonopole Pair Dyons with Critical Electric Charges
Monopole-Antimonopole Solutions of the Skyrmed SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Model
Monopole-Catalysed Baryon Decay: A Boundary Conformal Field Theory Approach
Monopole-charge instability
Monopole-Instanton Type Solutions In 3D Gravity
Monopole-like Configuration from Quantized SU(3) Gauge Fields
Monopole-like Excitations as a Source of Confinement in the SU(2)-Gluodynamics
Monopole-vortex complex in a theta vacuum
Monopoles and Black Hole Entropy
Monopoles and clusters