Monopole Constituents inside SU(n) Calorons
Monopole decay in the external electric field
Monopole determinant in Yang--Mills theory at finite temperature
Monopole Dynamics and BPS Dyons N=2 Super-Yang-Mills Theories
Monopole Dynamics from the M-Fivebrane
Monopole Dynamics in N=2 super Yang-Mills Theory From a Threebrane Probe
Monopole equations on 8-manifolds with Spin(7) holonomy
Monopole in the dilatonic gauge field theory
Monopole Operators and Mirror Symmetry in Three Dimensions
Monopole operators in N=4 Chern-Simons theories and wrapped M2-branes
Monopole operators in three-dimensional N=4 SYM and mirror symmetry
Monopole operators, moduli spaces and dualities
Monopole Planets and Galaxies
Monopole potential and confining strings in the (2+1)-dimensional Georgi-Glashow model
Monopole Scattering with a Twist
Monopole Solutions in AdS Space
Monopole Solutions of the Massive SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory
Monopole supersymmetries and the Biedenharn operator
Monopole Vacuum in Non-Abelian Theories
Monopole Vector Spherical Harmonics