Large N and Bethe ansatz
Large N and the Dine-Rajaraman problem
Large N and the renormalization group
Large N behavior of two dimensional supersymmetric Yang-Mills quantum mechanics
Large N BPS states and emergent quantum gravity
Large N corrections to the strong coupling behaviour of SU(N)/Z_N lattice gauge theories
Large N Cosmology
Large N Domain Walls as D-branes for ${\cal N}=1$ QCD String
Large N dualities from wrapped D-branes
Large N duality beyond the genus expansion
Large N Duality for Compact Calabi-Yau Threefolds
Large N duality, lagrangian cycles, and algebraic knots
Large N Duality, Lens Spaces and the Chern-Simons Matrix Model
Large N Duality, Mirror Symmetry, and a Q-deformed A-polynomial for Knots
Large N Dynamics of Dimensionally Reduced 4D SU(N) Super Yang-Mills Theory
Large N Elliptic Genus and AdS/CFT Correspondence
Large N expansion for normal and complex matrix ensembles
Large N expansion for the 2D Dyson gas
Large N Expansion From Fuzzy AdS_2
Large N Expansion of q-Deformed Two-Dimensional Yang-Mills Theory and Hecke Algebras