Large Extra Dimensions and Holography
Large extra dimensions and light hidden photons from anisotropic string vacua
Large Extra Dimensions and Noncommutative Geometry in String Theory
Large Gauge Hierarchy in Gauge-Higgs Unification
Large gauge invariance and finite temperature
Large Gauge Invariance in NonAbelian Finite Temperature Effective Actions
Large Gauge Transformations and the Light-Front Vacuum Structure
Large Gauge Transformations in M-theory
Large Gauge Ward Identity
Large Gravitational Waves and Lyth Bound in Multi Brane Inflation
Large hierarchies from approximate R symmetries
Large Hierarchies from Attractor Vacua
Large hierarchy from extra dimensions
Large Improved Wick Rotation Prescription in Stochastic Quantization of Dissipative Systems
Large Marginal Deformations in String Field Theory
Large mass expansion of quasi-normal modes in AdS_5
Large Mass Invariant Asymptotics of the Effective Action
Large Momentum bounds from Flow Equations
Large N
Large N 2D Yang-Mills Theory and Topological String Theory