Lambda<0 Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions I: Quantum States and Stringy S-Matrix
Lambda<0 Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions II: Black Hole Creation by Point Particles
Lamm, Valluri, Jentschura and Weniger comment on "A Convergent Series for the QED Effective Action" by Cho and Pak [Phys. Rev. Lett. vol. 86, pp. 1947-1950 (2001)]
Landau Analog Levels for Dipoles in the Noncommutative Space and Phase Space
Landau degeneracy and black hole entropy
Landau gauge Jacobian and BRST symmetry
Landau Gauge QCD: Functional Methods versus Lattice Simulations
Landau gauge within the Gribov horizon
Landau Levels and Quantum Group
Landau Levels in the noncommutative $AdS_2$
Landau Levels, Magnetic Fields and Holographic Fermi Liquids
Landau quantization for a neutral particle in presence of topological defects
Landau Quantization of Neutral Particles in an External Field
Landau Singularity and the Instability of Vacuum State in QED
Landau-Ginzburg Chern-Simons model with Ue(1)xUg(1) Gauge Symmetry and Internal Pseudo-Photons
Landau-Ginzburg Description of Boundary Critical Phenomena in Two Dimensions
Landau-Ginzburg Description of D-branes on ALE Spaces
Landau-Ginzburg Lagrangians of minimal $W$-models with an integrable perturbation
Landau-Ginzburg Limit of Black Hole's Quantum Portrait: Self Similarity and Critical Exponent
Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds with discrete torsion