Lessons in quantum gravity from quantum field theory
Let's Baxterise
Let's Twist Again: General Metrics of G(2) Holonomy from Gauged Supergravity
Let's Twist Again: N=2 Super Yang Mills Theory Coupled To Matter
Level Four Approximation to the Tachyon Potential in Superstring Field Theory
Level Truncated Tachyon Potential in Various Gauges
Level truncation analysis of exact solutions in open string field theory
Level truncation analysis of regularized identity based solutions
Level Truncation and Rolling the Tachyon in the Lightcone Basis for Open String Field Theory
Level truncation and the quartic tachyon coupling
Level truncation and the tachyon in open bosonic string field theory
Level two irreducible representations of $U_q(\widehat{sl}_2)$, vertex operators, and their correlations
Level-0 structure of level-1 $U_q(\widehat{sl}_2)$-modules and Macdonald polynomials
Level-Expansion Analysis in NS Superstring Field Theory Revisited
Level-Rank Duality in Kazama-Suzuki Models
Level-rank duality of D-branes on the SU(N) group manifold
Level-rank duality of the U(N) WZW model, Chern-Simons theory, and 2d qYM theory
Level-rank duality of untwisted and twisted D-branes
Level-rank duality of untwisted and twisted D-branes of the so(N)_K WZW model
Level-Rank Duality of WZW Theories and Isomorphisms of N=2 Coset Models